Welcome to the Digging Deeper Conference & Podcast

Engaging today’s questions from a Christian perspective

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people watching concert during night time

In-Person | $79

Join us in-person the evening of October 7th and all day October 8th for in-depth speakers, seminars, and more!

man wearing headphones while sitting on chair in front of MacBook

Virtual Package | $49

Receive one year of web access to all conference speakers and breakout sessions. (content available 10/15)

man in black suit standing in front of people

In-Person + Virtual | $99

Get an amazing price on the full conference experience with the in-person and digital package.


Weekly episodes. Relevant questions.

Join host Josh Toth and his distinguished guests as we dive into discussions around science, theology, philosophy, apologetics, and more. Come, join us on the journey of Digging Deeper!

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Join us in the studio.

Each episode of the Digging Deeper Podcast is recorded and uploaded to our YouTube playlist. Grab a front row seat for the Digging Deeper discussion.


Contact us about the conference, podcast, or questions you have. We would love to hear from you!

© 2022 Burke Community Church